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Soprano/Alto Scales
For Women, Girls and Young Boys (unchanged male voices)
*These tool recommendations are for general purposes, always do what has been recommended in your lessons before anything else. If you are unsure, please contact Laurie.
Build Chest Voice
Use open (wide) vowels like: Mah, Nah
or use mix vowels like Mum, Nuh, Nay and Gug
Strengthen Your Mix Voice
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Mum, No, One, Gee, Gug, Buh, Bay
For a strong mix/belt, use open or mix vowels like:Mah, Nah, Nuh, Mum
Connect head and chest
slow tempo allows an anchor to chest voice
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Wee, Mum, No, One, Gee, Gug, Buh, Bay
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw, NG
Smooth connection from chest to head
although faster, don't forget to anchor in the chest
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Wee, Mum, No, One, Gee, Gug, Buh, Bay
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw, NG
Thin out a weighty, pulled chest voice
(although faster, start in head but don't forget to anchor in the chest on the bottom)
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Wee, Mum, No, One,
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw
Thin out a weighty, pulled chest voice and strengthen head voice with the top repeater.
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Wee, Mum, No, One,
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw
Zone in on strengthening the "headier" part of the mix (head voice down)
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Gee, Ee, Mum, No, One,
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw
Build Your Mix
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Mum, No, One, Gee, Gug, Buh, Bay
For a strong mix/belt, use open or mix vowels like:
Mah, Nah, Nuh, Mum
Strengthen Your Range
Use semi occlusives: lip bubble/tongue trill,
hum, straw
Use mum, no, nuh, buh, bay, nay, me, mah, nah, gug
*(Depending on your habits and your goal.)
Expand your range
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee,Wee, Mum, No, One, Gee, Gug, Buh, Bay, Wah
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw, NG
Strengthen your expanded range
don't forget to anchor in chest, add vibrato on sustain
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee,Wee, EE, Mum, No, One, Gee, Gug, Buh, Bay, Wah
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw, NG
Thin out a weighty, pulled chest voice
add vibrato on the sustain
Use mix vowels like: Nay, Mee, Wee, Mum, No, One,
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw
Flexibility in your Mix
Use mix vowels like: Mee, Gee, Gug, Mum, No, One,
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw
Flexibility in your Mix
Add vibrato on the sustain
Use mix vowels like: Mee, Gee, Gug, Mum, No, One,
Use semi occlusives: Hum, lip bubble/tongue trill, straw
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