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Home Remedies for Vocal Health

Every day I work with singers dealing with all kinds of vocal health issues, allergies, gunk, acid reflux, sore throats, overcoming illnesses, etc. One of the main problems that occurs is a residual issue with drainage that has collected in the throat, often times, preventing the singer from achieving a clear resonant sound.

Last summer, from about June to October, I dealt with a thick kind of gunk that never seemed to move. It sat in my throat, preventing my vocal folds from gaining proper vocal fold closure, so I had a hoarse, irritated sound when I spoke and sang. I wasn't even able to reach any pitches in by first bridge (mix), over my break. Despite my best attempts at properly balancing my voice, I was unable to get a pure sound. Not only did it affect my performance, but I was also unable to demonstrate the tools properly when teaching my students. I was very frustrated after trying all my usual remedies, steam, gargling with warm salt water, throat sprays made for mucus removal. Nothing worked.

In November, I realized that I had a heavy-duty gig season quickly approaching, and my voice was not clearing up. This was so unusual for me, I didn't know what else to try, except the OTC Mucinex. Well, I must say, it worked beautifully. I finally got control of all the mucus, but I didn't want the OTC medications to be my answer. I'm much more a natural health gal and I knew there must be a good natural solution.

In January this year, I set out to find a natural, food or herb-based remedy to help. After seeing some videos on social media and following some health practitioners, I learned about the wonders of Cayenne Pepper! I started trying different recipes and low and behold, I was blown away that Cayenne pepper worked so well, especially when mixed with other foods, spices, etc. I will be listing/linking my recipe pages at the bottom and creating a section solely dedicated to natural remedies for vocal health and healing.

Some of my previous blog posts mention some tried and true common, mainstream remedies for helping maintain vocal health, and it's all still relevant. This section is more recipe-based, so you can add to your natural remedy list from ingredients you probably have at home.

Remember, I am not a doctor and cannot provide medical or drug advice, but I will tell you what I have found helpful to me and my students. Please check with your doctor and make sure you are not using foods and spices you may be allergic or sensitive to.

I'd love your feedback after you've tried any of these and if you have one to share, please feel free to email me at



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